Literary works from one language require translation in order to be
understood by readers in the target language. There are various methods that can
be used in translation, and certain methods will produce certain translations. This
study aims to find out what methods of translation are used by A. Adiwiyoto in
translating The Hobbit or There and Back Again Novel to Hobit atau Pergi dan
Kembali, and what methods of translation are found the most.
This study used a qualitative method, and in descriptive form. The data was
presented in tabular form. The data were taken from both data sources.
Furthermore, the data that has been taken is categorized according to the general
criteria of the translation methods used, and several data samples from each
category were taken for further discussion.
The result obtained is that the translator used various methods. There are
Semantic Translation, Communicative Translation, Adaptation, Free tramslation,
and Idiomatic Translation. In addition, the results of the translation in the TL are
also greatly influenced by the context in the SL and adapted to the target reader. It
is hoped that this research can give additional knowledge about translated literary
works, especially English literary works translated into Indonesian. The difference
between languages, grammars, and socio-cultures greatly affect the translation