Hidayat, Rian. 2021. Vocabulary Ability of Class VII Students at SMPN 13 Banjarmasin in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. Thesis, English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin. Supervisor (I) Dr. Rina Listia, M.Pd., Advisor (II) Emma Rosana Febriyanti, M.Pd.
Keywords: ability, vocabulary, SMPN students.
This study aims to reveal the ability of seventh graders in English vocabulary at SMPN 13 Banjarmasin in the 2021/2022 academic year. Vocabulary is a collection of words that are part of a particular language and are used to compose sentences, so that they can be used to communicate. Vocabulary is a basic component of all skills in learning English. Students' ability in vocabulary means the quality of students in answering questions based on the vocabulary that has been taught in the 2013 curriculum syllabus school. In this study, the researcher only focused on pronouns and verbs. This research method is a quantitative descriptive method. The sample of this research is 54 students. Data was collected through a test with 50 items consisting of 25 multiple choice items and 25 fill-in items.
The findings show that the average score of students' vocabulary is 71.03. Based on the score category of SMPN 13 Banjarmasin, the average score is included in the sufficient category. This proves that not all students are very good and very bad in their word skills.
In the end, for further learning and research, the researcher suggests that English teachers, especially those who teach at SMPN 13 Banjarmasin, always find the best and most effective learning process so that it is fun, enjoyable, arouses students' interest, and makes students happy. So, they will have good vocabulary mastery as they have now.