THE PHARMAIST SELF-ASSESSMENT IN PROVIDING PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (By Mara Felea P. Mansueto; Advisor : Nani Kartinah, Aditya Maulana Perdana Putra; 2023; 55page)
The worldwide impact of the coronavirus has shown that economic progress is deteriorating. COVID-19 has an impact on pharmaceutical logistic procedures, patient education, and counsel services. Under the telehealth, telepharmacy, the delivery of pharmacist care to patients located at a distance via
telecommunications or online. The current study sought to detail the self-assessment of pharmacists in terms of knowledge, skills, self-confidence, impact emotions and perceived behavioral control; identify the information resources, medication information used to provide services during the pandemic and towards suspected COVID-19 patients. This study used a descriptive analysis, as well as a closed-ended questionnaire with 27 items using Likert scale assessments which were given to CALABARZON pharmacists via Google Form. Based on The Philippine Pharmacist Association Inc. CALABARZON Chapter, the total number of active pharmacist that are working in pharmacy are 310 pharmacist. From July-August the researcher gathered a total of 135 pharmacists who filled out the survey form. The result of the study indicated by the weighted mean, which ranges from 3.40 to 4.19 and is interpreted as "Agree," pharmacists demonstrated as facilitator whereas the factors or the determinants of practice that influence the implementation assessment of their knowledge, skills, self confidence, impact, emotions, and perceived behavioral control. The majority of participants were also ready and willing to administer medications to patients. Additionally, it is noted that social media groups, along with university databases and PubMed, are among the sites that respondents in this survey visit the most frequently to get information on COVID-19.
Keywords: COVID-19, Pharmacists, Pharmaceutical Services, Telepharmacy